Lappy bayonetta 3
Lappy bayonetta 3

lappy bayonetta 3 lappy bayonetta 3

But in 2, most enemies will just tank your hits or break out of your combos unless you're in Umbran Climax.but in Umbran Climax it doesn't really matter much what you do as you just steamroll them with anything. This is one big reason why Bayo1's combat is better than 2's: In 1, your choices of combos and weapons allow you to shape the battlefield and play like you like.

lappy bayonetta 3

But in Bayo as you play more you start to use more variety of combos and weapons, not only to boost your score, but because they're really useful! Using Shuraba's wide WWs to control many enemies from a distance, or getting in there and thinning up the herd with some Durgha bombs, or keeping a dangerous foe away with Kilgore's missiles, or infinitely extending air combos by snatching enemies with Kulshedra. You min-max the game and it often ends up being more boring than it was when you were untangling the chaos of all the available choices you had. In a lot of games, as you play more you develop an optimal strategy: You discard many options so that you only use the best ones that can solve any problem you find. You have combos to quickly get a WW, launchers, strong launchers, long combos to build more magic, sweeps, crowd control. But when you play Bayo, almost every combo with every weapon has a reason to be used in the right circumstances. I didn't like Metal Gear Rising much because the combos were meaningless: There's no reason to use one combo instead of another as you can't juggle or down enemies and there's no style meter incentivizing variety, so there's an objective "best" combo which is the optimal way to use always. Bayonetta 1's combat system is still incredible.

Lappy bayonetta 3